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About Us

Body Buddies was founded by Aayushi Khillan in 2020. Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic, we saw the devastating effects of health unpreparedness in the world. In order to overcome future health obstacles, we must integrate health at a young age to make a proactive next generation! What better way to do this than with adorable plushies that spread joy & fun whilst making learning easy!

  • Raise Health Awareness

    Meant for all ages worldwide

  • Spread Joy & Love

    Our products are meant for fun!

  • Fundraise for Organ Health

    We donate 50% of our profits to Transplant Australia

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Our Charity

We are proud to announce our partnership with Transplant Australia. 50% of all our profits will be donated to their charity to help raise awareness about organ transplants and support those with lived experience.

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Education Matters

Body Buddies is focused on raising global health literacy. We run several online campaigns, fundraisers and community projects surrounding organ health. Moreover, each organ character content is curated by medical professionals. And each toy comes with a complimentary booklet that teaches kids how that toy functions and how to keep it healthy!

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  • Medical Ambassadors

    Each toy has medical ambassadors that curates medically-accurate but understandable information about the organ!

  • Internal Team

    We have an adoring core family that helps run Body Buddies!

  • Corporate Partners

    We are blessed to have corporations and medical-related businesses championing the message of Body Buddies into the wider community

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